Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Tsunami = Severe Weather

I use the "ForecastFox" extension for Mozilla FireFox, and was surprised to see a "severe weather alert." I was rather surprised to see a Tsunami Warning as the "severe weather" event.

I looked at CNN.com, MSNBC.com and news.google.com and found nothing... even searching for "earthquake." I was wondering if it was a snafu... but I found the geological event on the USGS website.

Never mind... just released by the AP...

Still... I got the Tsunami alert at 8:20 PM PST, and the AP picked-up on it 25 minutes after that, without the tsunami warning? How are people supposed to panic if they do not have ample time to do so?

I see that the 24-hour news cycle needs some further refinement in its speedy presentation of warnings.

Update: No Tsunamis for the U.S. this evening... I was looking forward to some good, live news too.

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