Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Finding a voice...

With the recent ubiquity of blogs, perhaps most evident by the fact that I am writing one for no reason, the question of voice is raised.

A blog is, in the end, a public forum for the things that interest the blogger. It is to be read by others in order to pique their interest in the ideas that consume the blogger. Perhaps it is anonymity + exhibitionism that allows hidden personas to be viewed for the first time and accepted.

With this opening of the closed parts of your secret thoughts, where does the idea of voice lay? Should a blog have the sordid details of your ife occasionally floated into the commentary? A blog is, after all, just a repository of thoughts that have the link of coming from your mind. Where is the line to be drawn--and should it be placed?

Are my first posts too personal? Is this one even too full of voice?

The best blogs on the web have no salient feeling of having a voice, yet the reason that these sites are read by people and popular is the fact that people enjoy the voice, even if it is not immediately evident.