Monday, April 04, 2005

Word for the day kiddos: Abreaction!

Main Entry: ab·re·ac·tion
Pronunciation: "ab-rE-'ak-sh&n
Function: noun
: the expression and emotional discharge of unconscious material (as a repressed idea or emotion) by verbalization especially in the presence of a therapist
Just try to slip that word into an everyday sentence.

I was going to use the definition of the word "Catharsis" to try to spur my writing for this day, but I became enamoured with the word "abreaction" when I saw it in the definition. I realized I wrote it down while reading recently, and I had never gone back to research its deeper meaning.

Emotional purge.

I am realizing that writing about catharsis or abreaction is pointless... The expression is the cathartic device by which one purges their tension.

Jesus, I should not have used this word as a cue... this just goes nowhere.

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