Friday, March 18, 2005

Overwhelmed by information...

I must admit it; I am an information junkie. I love the profusion and amalgamation of ideas on the internet.

Ideas make me hot... like excited and shaky if I get the right one. There is something beautiful about a new idea with potential... like it has gained physical momentum in your head and the thoughts are gathered and carried by their movement... towards the future. A new idea that I have not thought is instantly assaulted and merged and torn asunder by competing ideas... compared to others and incorporated into the tools with which I perceive the sensory stimuli that surround me.

RSS feeds may be the death of me... I just read a several page article about the creation of XML here [via]. Metainformation, contextual tagging and the resemblance of the semantic web to human thought may consume me in the end... I could see how the interplay could propel both into unexpected change.

I drive in the morning and I think of so much to write... I just want to spew the wortds from my fingers and have them land on a page, but I am just left with ideas after the commute... perhaps I should just record them in audio... but who would want to listen to that... my broken staccato ramblings... full of emotive voice and non-cued data.

Maybe I will keep a pad with me again to record my thoughts.

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