Friday, June 24, 2005 Style

I have known that someone would eventually streamline for the masses.

This is fucking awesome: direc.tor: Delivering A High-Performance AJAX Web Service Broker :: Johnvey. It only took me three seconds to realize that this is how should be ingested. If only it were as quick to post all of the time.

The edit window is still unskinned (it would be damned cool if you were able to edit in the same window Web 2.0-style, but the tech is still in its infancy), but otherwise it is an intuitive, speedy, interface.

I saw this on Waxy... It looks as if Mr. Baio found this ironically through

My attribution could have been through anyone due to the inbred information cycle of the blogosphere in which any link will show up on any blog eventually. The people that are reading a person's blog are interested in the same things and they filter throughout the interweb... poking into miniature communities that are slightly related.

But I digress (but some day I will expound upon this)...

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's awsome news! think of the possibilites (for AJAX, not for delicious) - any XML page could be transformed easily to something very usable and user friendly.